Mooer Graphic G Manual de Usario

Lee a continuación 📖 el manual en español para Mooer Graphic G (1 páginas) en la categoría Niet gecategoriseerd. Esta guía fue útil para 2 personas y fue valorada con 4.5 estrellas en promedio por 2 usuarios

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Main Features
Smallest guitar graphic equalizer pedal in the world
5-Band Graphic EQ with master level control
±18dB adjustable gain range per band
Full metal shell
Very small and compact design
True bypass switch
DC 9V adapter power supply
1. TRUE BYPASS Footswitch:
2. DC IN Power Jack:
For power supply, use a 9-volt
DC regulated AC adapter (plug
polarity is positive on the barrel
and negative in the center).
3. INPUT Jack:
1/4 mono audio jack, for
connecting guitar.
4. OUTPUT Jack:
1/4 mono audio jack, outputs
the signal.
5. LEVEL Knob and ON/OFF LED:
Adjusts the level of output, and
instructs effects or bypass status
of Graphic G, when the LED is lit
up, the effects is on.
6. 5-band Slider:
Adjusts the level of each frequency
band (-18dB~+18dB).
Push down the footswitch to toggle
between on and bypass status.
5-Band Guitar Equalizer Pedal
Frequency Centers: 100Hz, 250Hz, 630Hz, 1.6kHz, 4kHz
Input: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 470k Ohms)
Output: 1/4 monaural jack (impedance: 1k Ohms)
Current Draw: 7 mA
Dimensions: 93.5mm (D) 42mm (W) × × 52mm (H)
Accessories: Owner’s Manual
* Disclaimer: Any specification’s update won't be amended in this manual.
Power Re quirements: AC adapter 9V DC (center m inus plug),
recommended to use Mooe r Micro Power
Powe r Supply
Always turn off the p ower of thi s and all other equi pm ent before connectin g or
disc on necting , this wi ll help prevent m alfunc tion an d / or damage to othe r device s.
Also m ak e sure to d is conne ct all con nection cable s and the power co rd b efore
movi ng t his uni t.
Clea ni ng
Clea n on ly with a s of t, dry cl ot h. If nec essary, slig htly mo is ten the c lo th.
Do not use a brasive c leans er, clea ning alco ho l, paint th inner s, w ax, sol vents,
cleani ng flui ds , or chem ical-i mpreg nated wip ing clo th s.
Interference with othe r el ectri ca l devices
Radi os a nd tele vi sions placed nea rby may e xperience r eception inte rfere nce.
Operate this un it a t a suitabl e distance fro m ra dios an d te levis io ns.
Loca tion
To avo id d eform at ion, di sc oloration, or other se rious da mage, d o not expo se
this u ni t to the fo ll owing c on ditio ns:
Dire ct s unlight Heat s ou rces
Magn etic fiel ds Extreme tempe ra ture or h um idity
Exce ss ive dus ty o r dirty l oc ation High hum idity o r mo isture
Stro ng v ibrat io ns or sho ck s
Please c onnec t th e designated AC ada pter to a n AC outl et of the co rrect v oltag e.
Please b e sure to u se o nly an AC ad apter w hi ch suppli es 9V (±1 0%) DC, cen te r
minus. The ma ximum w or king vo ltage shall not ex ce ed 12V, ot herwi se may be
dang er ous equ ip ment da mage, f ire or othe r problem s.
Unpl ug t he AC po wer adapter w hen not using or during ele ctrical s to rms.
FCC ce rtifica ti on
This d ev ice compl ies wit h Pa rt 15 of th e FCC Rules. Operation i s subject
to the fol lowing tw o condi ti ons:
This devi ce m ay not ca us e harmf ul i nterference .
This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that m ay c ause unde sired operati on.

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: Mooer
Categoría: Niet gecategoriseerd
Modelo: Graphic G

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