XP-PEN Artist 22E Pro Manual de Usario

XP-PEN Niet gecategoriseerd Artist 22E Pro

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www xp-pen com. .
Artist 22E Pro Manual
Windows 10,8,7 and Mac 10.10 or above
Graphic Pen Display
Please contact us with any questions
Website: www.xp-pen.com
Mail: service@xp-pen.com
Designed by XPPEN Technology CO. in California, Assembled in China
Do n ot sto re this produ ct in ar eas th at drop below 5 or above 40 . Avoid locations ℃ ℃
with e xcessive temperature fluct ua tions. This ma y resu lt in damage to the pro du ct and
Avo id e xt reme hi gh o r low-temperat ur e expos ur e to the XP -Pen tabl et.
Do n ot disasse mble or modify this pro du ct. Do in g so may expose you to heat , fire,
Do not disas semble
Do not use a lco hol fo r cl eaning
Never use al co hol, thinner, benzene o r other mineral so lvent s that m ay discolor and
cause deterior ation t o the product.
Do not exp ose to water
Be cautious of w at er and al l liquids that m ay be nea r the tablet. Ex posure to w at er or
Placin g metall ic and/or m ag ne tic objects on this produ ct during operation may cause
malfunct ion or permanent damage.
Avo id p lacing me tallic o bjects and es pecially m agnetic objects o n the tab le t.
Do not s tr ike the p en against ha rd objects.
Striking the pen against h ar d objec ts can cau se damage to the pen.
Avo id gri pping the pen too t ig htl y, an d DO N OT use exce ssiv e wei gh t/ pressure on
the Expr ess Key b utton and p en .
The styl us pen is a high-precisio n instrume nt . Avo id pressing too tightly on the
Ex press Ke y butto n, and k eep any objects from cove ring the pen to avo id pote nt ial
damage. Keep t he pen aw ay fro m areas o f high dus t, c ontaminan ts , or any particulat e
XP- Pen shall in no event be liable for incidental damages- including but not
limited to loss of business income, interruption of business activities,
corruption or loss of data – that arise from use or failure to use this product
XP- Pen shall in no event be liable for damages or malfunction arising from
the connection to other devices or use of third party software.
XP- Pen shall in no event be liable for damage resulting from uses not
documented in this manual.
XP-Pen shall in no event be liable for damages re sulting from fires or
earthquakes, including those caused by third parties and those arising from
user misuse, abuse or neglect.
Limitation of Liability
Artist 22E Pro User Manual
Safety Precautions
This manual uses the following symbols to ensure that the XP-PEN Tablet is used correctly and safely.
Be sure to read and observe the Safety Precautions.
In suc h a syst em , th is product co uld negative ly affect oth er electro nic de vices and
Do not use t hi s product in a co nt rol system are a th at re qu ires a hi gh degree of
safety and reliab il ity.
Tur n the power off in areas where us e of electronic devices is prohibi ted.
Tur n the power off you r tabl et when onbo ard an aircraft or in any othe r location where
use of ele ct ro nic devices is prohibited, o th er w ise it m ay nega tively affe ct other
electron ic d evices in the are a.
Accessories t o this gadge t may present a cho king hazar d to small chil dren . Keep all
acce ssor ies awa y from inf ant s and yo ung children.
Keep the pr oduct away from infants and you ng c hi ldren .
Do n ot place h eavy o bj ec ts on the produ c t. D o not s te p on, or pla ce your body weight
on t his pr od uc t as this ma y cause d amage.
Do not p la ce he av y objects on top o f thi s product.
Do not p la ce th is product on unsta ble su r fac es .
Avoid placing this product on unstable, tilted sur faces or any l ocation s expo sed to
excessive v ibrations. This may cause th e table t to f al l or impact sur faces w hich c an
Artist 22E Pro User Manual
Thank you for pu rc hasing the XP-Pen tablet. Our product u ser manual currently suppo r ts
English, Russian, Japanese, German, Korean, Chinese, Italian, S panish, and French. We
apol ogize if your pr eferred language is not suppor te d.
Pen tip replacement...................................................
VI. Driver Uninstallment..............................................
I. Product Overview.......................................................
Active area.....................................................................
III. Connect the Artist 22E Pro.....................................
VII. FAQ.............................................................................
II. Stylus............................................................................
V. Driver Settings UI......................................................
IV. Driver Installation....................................................
{ I.Product Overview }
Image 1-1: Ar tist 22E Pro Overview
b. On, Red: The Artist 22E Pro is po wered on, but n o t connected to a comput er.
(6). + button
(8). Display auto adjust button
(9). USB port
a. On, B lue: The Artist 22E Pro is connected to you r computer and pow ere d on.
(5). Menu button
(10). Po wer jack
(13).VGA port
(2). Express key
c. O: The Ar tist 22E Pro is pow ered o .
(3). Power indicator light
(4). Power bu tton
(7). – button
(12). DVI po r t
(1). Display/Wor king area
(14). Stand adjustment l ever
(11). HDMI por t
Active area
Image 1-2: Ac tive area

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: XP-PEN
Categoría: Niet gecategoriseerd
Modelo: Artist 22E Pro

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