EMOS P4525 Manual de Usario

EMOS Zaklamp P4525

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1450000240_31-P4525_00_01 148 × 210 mm
P4525 | E708A-COB+5
GB LED Work Light
CZ LED pracovní svítilna
SK LED pracovné svietidlo
PL Lampa warsztatowa LED
HU LED-es munkalámpa
SI Delovna LED svetilka
RS|HR|BA|ME LED radna svjetiljka
DE LED-Arbeitsleuchte
UA Світлодіодний робочий ліхтарик
RO|MD Lampă LED de lucru
LT Darbinis šviesos diodų žibintas
LV LED lukturis darbam
EE LED-töötuli
BG LED pаботна лампа
GB | LED Work Light
The rechargeable lantern is resistant to rough conditions (dust,
dirt) and is therefore suitable for technicians, handymen and
cottagers, as well as for use in the car. The lantern has 3 pow-
erful magnets and a hook for hanging. The bottom portion
of the lantern can be rotated 180°. The rear of the lantern is
tted with a warning triangle. Its lighting is independent of
the lantern being turned on or o. The lamp can be charged,
or recharged, from a 230 V AC, 50 Hz network or from a car
socket with 12 V DC.
1. Switch
2. LED recharge indicator
3. Hook (360°)
4. Socket for charging
5. Switch – warning triangle
6. Magnet
Source of light: COB LED + 5× Ø 5 mm LED
Accumulator pack: Li-Ion 18650–3.7 V DC/2 000 mAh
Power adapter: type SD-G0501000D; input 230 V AC, 50 Hz,
output 5 V DC/1 000 mA
Recharging from car: 12 V DC
Power adapter for car: car adapter, input: 12 V DC,
output: 5V DC/1 000 mA
Lantern operating temperature: -5°C to +45°C
Lantern charging temperature: +5°C to +45°C
Lantern size: 67 × 76 × 317 mm
Lantern weight: 537 g
Recharging the accumulator:
Before rst use or if the lantern does not light up anymore, it
is necessary to charge the lantern. Charging a fully depleted
accumulator pack takes approximately 3 hours. Recharge the
lantern in dry indoor areas.
1. Connect the power adapter (type SD-G0501000D)
to a 230 V AC, 50 Hz network.
2. Turn the switch on the lamp to the o position.
3. Connect the network power adapter into the lamps
power connector – a red light will turn on on the lantern.
When the lamp (accumulator) is fully recharged, the LED
will turn green.
4. After recharging disconnect the adapter from the lantern.
The accumulator can be recharged intermittently – it has
no memory eect.
5. The lantern can also be recharged in a car 12 V DC
through the lighter socket. Procedure for plugging in and
recharging is similar as when using a network adapter.
After recharging, disconnect the car adapter.
The LED light sources have a 50 000 hour service life and
therefore are not replaceable. After exhausting, the entire
lamp can be disposed of.
Changing the accumulator:
The accumulator should only be changed by a skilled user,
ideally with qualications in electrical engineering.
1. When changing the accumulator, turn the lantern switch
to the o position.
2. Carefully remove covers from the sides of the lamp.
3. Disassemble the lantern remove screws located on the
lamp body.
5× LED 15 lm 26 h 24 m
270 lm 4 h 22 m
500 lm 2 h 30 m
4. Remove the accumulator pack and replace with a new
one with same dimensions and electrical parameters.
The new accumulator must be purchased only from the
manufacturer. Never use non-original components. Make
sure to observe the correct polarity when changing the
5. Reassemble the lantern by reversing the procedure for
When new, the lantern must rst be charged before use.
The lantern can be recharged using a car adapter only
when the vehicle is stationary and the engine is turned
o. Do not under any circumstances charge the lantern
when the car engine is running or the car is in motion.
The lantern’s accumulator must be kept charged to
prevent the voltage from dropping below the threshold
level. Therefore, it is recommended to recharge the lamp
at least once every 3 months even when it is not being
used. Temperature for lamp charging +5°C to +45°C.
-If the lantern does not light up or the light is weak, im
mediately recharge.
If the accumulator is damaged or destroyed due to
non-observance of the above rules, complaints led with-
in the warranty period regarding the lamp (accumulator)
will not be accepted.
Use the network adapter type SD-G0501000D only for
recharging the lantern; do not recharge batteries not
designed for the purpose.
Use the AC power adapter in dry indoor areas only.
When replacing the accumulator, make sure to observe
the correct polarity.
Do not throw the accumulator into a re and do not
disassemble or short-circuit it.
After depletion, the accumulator becomes hazardous
waste. After depletion, do not dispose of the accumulator
in municipal waste. Turn the accumulator in at take-back
sites such as the shop where the lantern was purchased.
After the end of its service life, the entire lantern must be
disposed of ecologically.
If water enters the interior of the lantern, remove the ac-
cumulator and dry the interior of the lantern thoroughly.
Do not use the lantern under any circumstances.
The lantern is not intended for use by persons whose physical,
sensory or mental disability or lack of experience and expertise
prevents its safe use, unless they are supervised or instructed
in the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their
safety. Children should not be allowed to play with the lantern.
Delivery list:
AC power adapter type SD-G0501000D
Car adapter 12 V DC
Do not dispose with domestic waste. Use special col-
lection points for sorted waste. Contact local authorities
for information about collection points. If the electron-
ic devices would be disposed on landll, dangerous substa-
noes may reach groundwater and subsequently food chain,
where it could aect human health.
CZ | LED pracovní svítilna
Nabíjecí svítilna je odolná proti nešetrnému zacházení (prach,
špína), proto je vhodná pro techniky, kutily, chataře a také do
auta. Svítilna má 3 silné magnety a hák na zavěšení. Spodní
část svítilny je možné otáčet o 180°. Na zadní straně svítilny
je umístěn výstražný trojúhelník. Jeho zapnutí je nezávislé
na zapnutí svítilny. Svítilnu lze nabíjet, ípadně dobíjet ze
sítě 230 V AC, 50 Hz, nebo z automobilové zásuvky 12 V DC.
1. Vypínač
2. LED indikace nabíjení
3. Hák (360°)
4. Zásuvka pro nabíjení
5. Vypínač varovný trojúhelník
6. Magnet
Technická specikace:
Zdroj světla: COB LED + 5× Ø 5 mm LED
Akumulátorový pack: Li-Ion 18650–3,7 V DC/2 000 mAh
Síťový napájecí zdroj: typ SD-G0501000D; vstup 230 V AC,
50Hz, výstup 5 V DC/1 000 mA
Nabíjení z automobilu: 12 V DC
Napájecí zdroj do automobilu: adaptér do auta, vstup:
12VDC, výstup: 5 V DC/1 000 mA
Provozní teplota svítilny: -5°C až +45°C
Teplota pro nabíjení svítilny: +5°C až +45°C
Rozměr svítilny: 67 × 76 × 317 mm
Hmotnost svítilny: 537 g
Nabíjení akumulátoru:
Před prvním použitím nebo pokud svítilna nesvítí, je třeba
svítilnu nabít. Nabití zcela vybitého akumulátorového packu
trvá přibližně 3 hodiny. Svítilnu nabíjejte v suchých vnitřních
1. Připojte síťový napájecí zdroj (typ SD-G0501000D) do sítě
230 V AC, 50 Hz.
2. Vypínač na svítilně přepněte do polohy vypnuto.
3. Konektor napájecího sítového zdroje zastrčte do napá-
jecího konektoru svítilny – na svítilně se rozsvítí červená
kontrolka. Když je svítilna (akumulátor) plně nabitá, LED
kontrolka svítí zeleně.
4. Po nabití odpojte napájecí zdroj od svítilny. Akumulátor
lze dobíjet průběžně – nemá paměťový efekt.
5. Svítilnu lze nabíjet i v automobilu – 12 V DC přes zásuvku
zapalove. Postup při zapojení a nabíjení je obdobný jako
i použití síťového napájecího zdroje. Po nabití napájecí
zdroj do automobilu odpojte.
Zdroje světla LED mají životnost 50 000 hodin, proto se nevy-
měňují. Po spotřebování se celá svítilna zlikviduje.
Výměna akumulátoru:
měnu akumulátoru by měl provádět zručný uživatel, nejlépe
s elektrotechnickou kvalikací.
1. i výměně akumulátoru přepněte vypín svítilny do
polohy vypnuto.
2. Opatrně odstraňte krytky z bočních stran svítilny.
3. Rozeberte svítilnu odšroubujte šrouby umístěné na
těle svítilny.

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: EMOS
Categoría: Zaklamp
Modelo: P4525

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