Martec MBHA800W Manual de Usario
Lee a continuación 📖 el manual en español para Martec MBHA800W (3 páginas) en la categoría Calentador. Esta guía fue útil para 4 personas y fue valorada con 4.5 estrellas en promedio por 2 usuarios
Página 1/3 com u e ma com urtec traus alia. .a | 02 8778 7500 | sal s@ rtecltd. .a
Installaon Instrucons
Plea rease d these i u enstr cons fulcare ly b fore ins nd usintalling a g the r ct the u a y r tu f p odu . p Kee instr cons h nd fo fu re re ere ce ectrican . El l
wir g m t y be e y a li ein us onl don b cens d electrician nd a a “Cerficate of Compliance” usm t e b issu d on on of e comple the ins ontalla .
Bathr m too uni
Operang and I l I unstal aon nstr cons.
Wall a wi h. plate nd s tc
1 ht nel x LED Lig Pa
Cut t Tou em atpl e
During e the r t i t us of p oduct, i s necessary o obs soerve me preca Imuons. prop on ons er opera with dis d of pregar recaumay result in
inflicon of h o h h of arm t ealt the us nd oer a ther pe le aop , s wel amagel a is in nflicon of d to their pr .operty
Use y the vo e the ng the h . onl ltage specifi d on ra plate of eater
Thi y es item should onl b ins d btalle y a li ecens d tra erdesp son.
The e c heater should b onn d ecte to the electr maic ins equipp d e with n a auto c t .ma circui breaker
The t m t uni us b he a ed witndl h care av oiding any e p r v . sudd n im acts o ib onsra
Do no ust e the a n pplia ce areas where ga aiso inl e, p nt r o oth ber amma fl le are l iiqu ds used or to d. s re
Do no ust e the a n ly r whpplia ce in parcular in dusty o ere ve are explosi s sto
Do no ust e the a n a ldingpplia ce in bui si te, green house, barn or in ani blmal sta es.
Do no ust e the a n a a applia ce s s una . heater
Do no us his un in t e t it the a a r ng a g. pl ce of nimal p opaga nd risin
W Tarm g:in o avoid bu ns, do nor t touch the a lian rfpp ce su ace by a a h nd nd o bodther y parts. It ece ary av is lso na ss to oid out ching the heater
whi t the als pplian witche as sce is s d on, evere may re lt burns su . e a lianTh pp ce ca take n up to 1 r t hou o c w aool do n er swi g ttchin i off.
Do not any ot place items of cl hing, ha to rnd wels o similar o the t R k hver heater o dry. is of over eang a aznd fire h ard.
Do not the e whi t i e. leave heater unaend d ls n us
Do no us his h on t e t eater a rf r wh t allwet su ace, o ere i can f o br e e t t . push d in o wa er
Do no h fot reac r an pplia an th a alce at h s f le watern into . Switc y ah off at suppl nd unplug immediately.
I thef heater i efs d ecve, it m t e ch a pus b ecked nd re aired by the u s s i ntma actnuf rer it, erv ce age o sr imi ly a e r pailar qu lifi d p sons foer re r.
Do no opt erate applian wit a .ce h wet h nds
Use thi a lian y as des be is pp ce onl cri d n this numa al. Any th e i o er us s no d bt orec mmende y the ma act rer maynuf u and ca re,use fi electric ck sho
or i .njury
Do no ust e abra ive eas cl ning pr t a ian I theoducts on his ppl ce. f bod s diy o bec me rty, wipe t wit a c th. Al o lug off dus h lo way rems ve p from e th
mai rens supply e b fo cl g.eanin
Page 1 of 5
Aspire Lux 3-in-1 Heater, Light and Exhaust
Aspire 3-in-1 Heater, Light and Exhaust
Installaon Instrucons
The m t heater us be l insta le atd least 1.8 m above the floor.
The m t heater us no lot e b cate ow a tld immediately bel so oucket et. The m heater ust t e r no b lo d in fcate ont a . e of so oucket tlet They should b
located outside the y ph si incal footpr t the t m of units o ini iz hind m e l e heat bui d up b the . heater
The t m sta arnd d po poinwer ust e l b instal e y ad b lice electrnsed ician.
I thef heater i ts o b d on n ine mounte a cline g r an ing e the i c lo th (eg. Slopin o gle ced il ), nsure electr cal onnecon is cate atd at we lo st int the po of
h .eater
Do not connect the a lian tpp ce o the ma rceins sou unl t a i h s been ins d ta lel i tn i s fin loal caon and djus d a te t theo posion it wil e el b us d in.
Do no opt erate with the cor cd oil s e ad up thi c s ould cause a l eat wh bui dup of h , ich c e aould pos haz
The e a ex cor us of n tension d h wit thi a lian is t o ed.s pp ce no rec mmend
Do not allow cor t co c rfa r gd o me in ontact with h d sueate ces du in operaon.
Do not run cor p ng throw rug r r s . d under car e , s o unner etc Arra gen cor rom wh li ly t e d away f areas ere it is ke o b tri verpped o .
Thi a lian i t inte es pp ce s no nd d fo usr e y b per cl resons (in udin ldg chi n) wit yh dure ced ph si nsocal, e s ry or nme tal capabilies, or lack erie ce of exp n
a k d end nowle ge, unl ss they h bave ee ve ervn gi n sup ision o insr trucon con nincer g e the a an y a ib us of ppli ce b per reson spons le for their af s ety.
Chi e seldren should b supervi d t e th th t wit the a lianceo nsure at ey do no play h pp
The a n in e r the r epplia ce is only tend d fo pu pos des becri d i .n user ma alnu
Do no ust e appliance or any p the a lian t theart of pp ce ou of in d ustende e to av r k.oid is
The e h nt us of aac me s h whic are not o e r lrec mmend d o so d by the a ianppl ce ma act rer may nuf u caus ise a r k of inju o pry t ersons
C TIONAU — so s of his p n bme art p t roduct ca ecome very hot a e rnd usca bu ns. ulParc ar aenon h o bas t e gi whven ere re child n a nd
vuln eerabl p pe e opl are resent.
I ll ansta nd operate the hea iter n s ho l posi on on trictly rizonta the ling r ling ucei o cei str ct ra aceu l surf . e th Th ermal re ta cesis n of the ling cei
co ng a il g iaa nd ce in mater l shou d bl e st ° lea 80
W ARNING: This h s noeater i t equ pp d i e wit a t c ol the r m p uh device o ontr oo tem erat re. Th use m heater t t e withi no b n reach from the as floor,
s r ur e tevere bu ns may occ du o h h suig rf pace tem erat re ea er mau s. Do no us his ht e t t in s ll oor ms or wh the rere oom r a e y o rea is occupi d b
p t pab eaving the r mersons no ca le of l oo on their ow w ab t the afelyn, persons ho are un le o operate h seater and wit the h g eline the e uid s of us
ma lenual, un ss cons is on ta ervnt sup i is provided.
Whe the a lian in pp ce s no n ust i e and before ninclea g, unplug the a lian rom the tl .pp ce f ou et
To pro tect against the r k i ,is of electr cal shock do not se theimmer uni d ot, cor r g rplu in water o oth l iqu
House i r/co t r e ly.hold ndoo vered ou doo us on com u 02 8 ale ma com.aurtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd. Page 2 of 5

Aspire 3-in-1 Heater, Light and Exhaust
Installaon Instrucons
The t m t uni us be locate ta le accd and ins l d in ordan with ce AS/NZS 3000 a lond cal i g c e l ng t am bu ldin od s re a o d p situaons.
This th the M e ly a any a may mean at no p of art odule may b lo d dcate irect bove part of bat werh o shor r enc .recess o losure
The t e lled i uni should b insta n flat ilce in s g wit a m mumh ini height 2 s. on meter At lea 200mm eigs h ht clea nra ce in the ce cavitil g in y d is quire re
t e cient o nsure suffi ven la on for moisture t sp se. e m t e tao di er Th unit us also b ins ll d e at ea l st rom .250mm away f walls
Ensure ade air intquate intake o the roo xis s m e t thr gh w ws, nt rou indo ve s o und dooer the r t p the air rom the e a to re lace displaced f xh us fan.
R u c neg laons oncer ing the ch air m t dis arge of us be l fu fill d.e
AC - el l 220 240V ~50Hz ectrica suppl quiy is re red. The e c t unit can b onn d ecte o a ligh ng or ci power rcuit loading s. if permit All electrica rkl wo
m t e us b carrie t id ou n accordan with A N r st ed thce S/ ZS 3000 o late ion ereof, a i g cnd lo l buca ldin od s nd ul onse a reg a . A f r wiou s tc wa ateh ll pl
is ludinc ed fo nds of r all ki wiring combin theaons. Ensure po suppl is iso d bwer y late efore commercing i l l wi ng m t y nsta laon. Electrica ri us onl
be e y a e don b licens d el l a aectrica nd “Cerficate ce” of Complian m tus be e com on the i issu d at ple of ns ontalla .
1. Use the cut t a a ou tem atepl card s tem ate acepl . Pl in the lo re requi d caon
a t the le nd mark ou ho cu ng siz x e: 523mm 345mm. Be cofore mmenc g in
cu ng e thnsure at are the a behind the e i intend d locaon s clear al of l
ca leb s, pipe as nd jo s. Onist ce cl , cut t theear ou secon a g the y lon previousl
marked lines.
2. se the ed ascia thePri up ge of f n take off the fas a Rci . em veo cover of the
terminal and onnc ect the wi ording t the ia am the res acc o d gr . Connect
ducng t the t i d. I the to p2-he ling cavi e ro uni f quire re nsert un init cei ty, nsu ing
the c slips are re ng ag t theains bod of y the unit.
3. Tigh the tten screws o nsue re the t uni is fixe ud sec rely.
5. P the ed ush ge ci of fas a towards the g the housin n l ips on fet cl ascia fix on the ing. hous com u 02 8 ale ma com.aurtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd. Page 3 of 5
4. T t the gla , t e e the intake ou ss inser on sid of glass o the the slo nd push t,a
opposi sid of te e glass in. When the glass is at horizontal posion,
it will be seized by boom slot.
1. our
Model No: MBHA800W
Rated Voltage: 220-240V~
Rated Frequency: 50Hz
Total Power: 875W
Heat Wattage:Max 800W
Exhaust Power:55W
LED Light:20W
ASPIRE com u 02 8 ale ma com.aurtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd. Page 4 of 5 com u 02 8 ale ma com.aurtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd.
IN θ
M:Motor C:Capacitor IR:Heat lamp IN:Light lamp
K:All-pole disconnection switch :Heat protectorΘ
Cu omer Dest tails
Surname.......................................................................................... Given Name............................................................
Warr ty De ails an t
Store........................................................................................... P.O. No.........................................................................
I, the Customer, hereby acknowledge that I have read and agree with the Martec Pty Ltd warranty st ement and at
I, the Customer, acknowledge that Martec Pty Ltd reserves the right to charge me, labour and material cost of
a case by case basis by the authorised Martec Service Agent dispatched to my premises. The current minimum
charge will be $190+GST.
I, the Customer, acknowledge that I will be liable for this charge should the authorised Martec Service Agent
determine this to be the case. Failure to pay warranty recovery charges issued by Martec Pty Ltd will result in the
I, …………………………………………………………..............................., do her
Print Name:......................................................................................................................................................................

Martec Pty Ltd warrants this product for a period of 2 years “In Home” warranty from the original date
of purchase for residenal situaons:
Martec Pty Ltd
1. The 2 year “In Home” warranty applies only if the product was purchased in Australia and does not transfer
from the original purchaser. All Martec Products replaced under warranty are only warranted for the balance
of the warranty period.
2. The 2 year “In Home” warranty does not extend to the Martec Product accessories such as remote controller
kits and/or light fings (including glass light shades) that have been fied during or aer the original Martec
Product installaon. Globes are not covered under warranty.
3. All remote controllers, wall controllers, ballasts, and light fings included in the Martec Products original
packaging have a 1 year warranty only. Remote controllers, wall controllers and light kits must be Martec
approved and Martec branded products. The use of remote controllers, wall controllers and/or light kits
which are not Martec approved and branded will subsequently void the warranty.
4. Any changes to plated and/or painted finishes due to climate condions or other circumstances deemed
to be beyond the control of Martec Pty Ltd or their authorised agent are not covered under this warranty.
Outdoor use of Martec ceiling fans is not recommended or covered under this warranty; proceed at your own
risk as outdoor use will void the warranty.
5. Threaded components such as blade nuts and screws may loosen during normal operaon; these should be
ghtened regularly to ensure the fan does not develop noises during operaon. If noises do develop, check
this aspect before requesng service, as this is not covered under warranty.
ASPIRE com u 02 8 ale ma com u 02 8 ale ma rtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd.rtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd. Page 5 of 5 com u 02 8 ale ma com u 02 8 ale ma rtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd.rtec traus alia. .a | 778 7500 | s s@ rtecltd.
considered a fault and will not be covered under this warranty.
Martec Pty Ltd only covers manufacturing faults associated with said Martec Product per the above warranty
product are not covered under this
of or defect of or failure of the product other than ed in this warranty.stat
NOTE: Stainless steel requires regular cleaning; “Tea Staining” is a common occurrence with all types of ainless st
steel. This is not considered a fault of the product and is not covered under warranty. Martec’s Precision 316,
while made from Marine Grade 316 stainless steel, should only be used in a covered or enclosed outdoor
Precision Stainless Steel 316 ceiling fan, none of Martec’s Ceiling Fans are meant for outdoor use, and will either
rust or encou er problems which are not covered within this warranty.nt
installed the Martec productat your address along with a scanned copy of the electricians licence. Please note
2. Copy of the Purchase Receipt/store Tax Invoice for the Martec Ceiling Fan.
can be loc ed on the top motor housing above the Ceiling Fan
This warranty will become void and a service fee will be invoiced to the individual that lodged the warranty claim,
if one or more of the following is found:
¯ The product is deemed to be a non Martec product.
¯ A manufacturing fault is not detected by the Service Agent.
MA C PTY RTE LTD | 6 AUSTOOL P , INGLEBURN N W 2565 | PH: 02 8778 7500 | L S FAX: 02 8778 7555
(PHONE) 02 8778 7500
(FAX) 02 8778 7555
and labour of the authorised service agent approved by Martec Pty Ltd. No parts/products are to be disposed
of prior to the Service Agents “In Home” warranty visit. No acceptance of other liability for incidental or
where service is requested by the purchaser outside of the Martec Pty Ltd service network. The Martec Pty
Travel outside of the city limits by the Martec Pty Ltd authorised service agent will incur commercial costs
to be paid for by the purchaser at a rate calculated by the number of kilometres travelled beyond the city
limits. Any service required outside of the service network will be provided in the following manner Per
warranty claim, a full replacement will be sent to the customer’s residence and a maximum of $80AUD plus
GST plus freight will be covered by Martec Pty Ltd. All other costs over and above the $80AUD, including but
not limited to, labour and travel costs are to be paid for by the purchaser. Please Note: it is the responsibility
of the purchaser to call Martec customer ser to anyvice number (1300 730 064 or 02 8778 7500) prior
electrician leaving the job site if any problems occur. Any installing electrician costs and/or fees invoiced to
due to improper use, normal wear and tear, accident damage, product abuse, and/or failure to use the
control are not covered under this warranty. Any damage caused to walls, ceilings, furniture, carpet and/or
not covered under this warranty.
does not apply to loss or damage caused by abnormal or excessive force of any kind from i ernal or externalnt
ceilings higher than 3 metres from the ground, will not be covered by this warranty. These costs will be borne
by the customer not Martec Pty Ltd.
BE A VISED:D All ceiling fans will emit some audible noise; and said noise will be most apparent at night or
50Hz AC power supply. Typically, the ripple control is used to control and manage peak power loads on electrical
control, please visit our website at:
Especificaciones del producto
Marca: | Martec |
Categoría: | Calentador |
Modelo: | MBHA800W |
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Últimos Calentador Manuales

27 Octubre 2024

27 Octubre 2024

25 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024

23 Octubre 2024