Rocstor TrueReach Y10G001-B1 Manual de Usario
Convertidor de audio/video
TrueReach Y10G001-B1
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① ② ③
⑤ ⑥
M ounting ear x4
Transm itte r x 1 Re ceiver x 1
U ser m anu al x1
Screw x10
IR r ec eive r e xtens io n
ca ble x 1
IR b laster e xte nsion
ca ble x 1
D C5 V/ 1A x 2
Item D esc rip tio n
D evic es w ith H D M I p or t
(PC , D VD, N V R, e tc .)
Req uire m ent
Sign al
so urce H D M I c able ≤ 5m
C AT6 / 6A/ 7 follo wing ,
stand ard I EEE- 568 B
TVs, p rojec to rs, e tc . w ith
H D M I p ort
C able
D is play
de vic e
C AT6 / 6A/ 7≤ 70m
H D M I c able ≤ 5m
D C5 V
W hen t he re i s p o wer a nd n o H DM I s igna l, t he
indica to r w ill f lash, w hen t he re i s H D M I s ig nal,
the i ndic ato r w ill l ight s o lid
Powe r ndicato ri
②R J45 o utp ut
Re set b utton Press t o r estar t t he d evice
C on nec t w ith C AT 6/ 6A/ 7 n etwo rk c able
③IR o ut C on nec t w ith I R b laster e xtension c ab le
C on nec t w ith D C 5 V/ 1A p o wer a dap te r
H DM I npu ti
H DM I ou tp ut
C on nec t w ith H D M I s o urce d evice w ith
H D M I c able
C on nec t w ith l o cal H D M I d is play d evic e w ith
H D M I c able
D C5 V
W hen t he re i s p o wer a nd n o H DM I s igna l, t he
indica to r w ill f lash, w hen t he re i s H D M I s ig nal,
the i ndic ato r w ill l ight s o lid
Powe r i ndica to r
②R J45 inp ut
Res et b utton Press t o r estar t t he d evice
C on nec t w ith C AT 6/ 6A/ 7 n etwo rk c able
③IR i n C on nec t w ith I R r ece iver e xtensio n c able
C on nec t w ith D C 5 V/ 1A p o wer a dap te r
H DM I utputo
3.5 mm s ter eo
ou tp u t
C on nec t w ith H D M I d isp la y d evic e w ith
H D M I c able
C on nec t w ith e arpho ne o r s pe ake r
① ② ③
⑤ ⑥
13 42 5
Important Safety Instructions:
Package Contents
1. To prevent electric shock, please ensure that all apparatus is properly grounded.
2. Do not place this device near or over a radiator or heat register, or
where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
3. Place the device in a well-ventilated area, do not block any ventilation openings.
4. Do not expose this device to rain or place it near water. Any liquid
that goes into the device may cause a failure, re, or electric shock.
5. Do not place the device on an uneven or unstable surface. The device may fall
resulting in a malfunction.
6. Never insert anything metallic into the open parts of this Device. This may
cause a danger of electric shock.
7. If a three-party power supply is used, please ensure that the power supply
specications meet the product requirements.
This is an HDMI point-to-point extender kit, it has zero-latency transmission. The
4K@60Hz HDMI signal can be extended by 230ft (70m)vccccc through CAT6/6A/7
network cable. It supports HDMI loop out, IR passthrough, 3.5mm audio output, etc.
This kit is a reliable, ultra-high-denition video transmission solution, which is widely
used in security monitoring, home theater, broadcasting, training and other elds.
1. Zero-latency transmission.
2. Extend 4K@60Hz HDMI signal up to 70m/230ft over Cat6/6A/7 cable.
3. The receiver supports 3.5mm stereo output.
4. Support HDR10.
5. Support EDID passthrough and auto downscaling.
6. The transmitter supports HDMI loop out.
7. Support IR passthrough.
8. Lightning protection, surge protection, ESD protection.
Install the mounting ears on the unit according to the diagram, and select the wall
mounting position to x it.
Installation Requirements Panel Description Panel Description
Wall Mounting
User Manual
Point to Point Extenter

Installation Procedures Technical ParametersFAQ Technical ParametersInstallation Procedures
H D M I D is pl ay
N e tw o rk c a b le
H D M I D is pl ay
Vi deo S our ce
IR r ec eive rIR b laster
1 . Po we r
2 . I R S ig n a l
3 . N ul l
1 . Po we r
2 . I R S ig n a l
3 . G r o un d in g
In pu t i n ter fa ce 1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m ale 1 x R J4 5 F em ale
O utp ut i nte rf ac e
H D M I L en gt h
M a xim u m
tra ns fe r r a te
M a xim u m
tra ns m issio n
ba n d w idth
1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m ale
1 x R J4 5 F em ale
≤5 m
6 00 M H z
1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m ale
≤5 m
1 8G bp s
ED ID p a ss th r o ug h Ye s
C om p atib ility
R eso lutio ns
H DM I 2 .0 D e ep c o lo r, 4 K , H D R , Y U V 4:4 :4( )
H DC P 2 .2
4 80 i@ 6 0H z 4 80 p@ 6 0 H z 5 76 i @ 5 0H z 5 76 p @ 50 H z、 、 、 、
7 20 p@ 5 0 /6 0H z 1 08 0i@ 5 0 /6 0H z 1 08 0p @ 5 0/ 6 0H z、 、 、
3 84 0x 21 6 0@ 2 4 /2 5 /3 0 /5 0 /6 0 H z 4 09 6 x21 60 @ 24 / 25 H z、 、
1 28 0x 96 0 1 2 80 x8 00 1 2 8 0x7 6 8 1 68 0 x10 5 0、 、 、 、
1 36 0x 76 8 1 3 66 x7 68 1 6 0 0x9 0 0 1 02 4 x76 8 8 0 0x6 0 0、 、 、 、
Tran sm iss ion
d ista nc e
A ud io
In pu t i n ter fa ce
C AT6 / 6A /7≤7 0 m
1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m ale
O utp ut i nte rf ac e 1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m a le
N / A
1 x H D M I Ty p e A F e m ale
1 x 3 .5 m m L / R F e m ale
A ud io f or m ats LP C M / DT S- H D /D TS - A ud io /D ol by D i git al 5 .1 CH / D ol by A tm o s
C om m an d S i gn al
IR i n te rf ace 1 x 3 .5 m m I R O U T F e m ale 1 x 3 .5 m m I R I N F e m ale
R ec eivin g r an ge ≤5 m
In fr ared
fr eq ue n c y 2 0K H z~ 6 0K H z
Po w er S u pp ly D C 5V / 1A D C 5V / 1A
Po w er
Po w er
C on su m ptio n < <3 W 3 W
O per atin g E n v ir on m ent
W o rk in g
te m pe rat ure - 20°~ 6 0°
Sto ra g e
te m pe rat ure - 30°~ 7 0°
H u m id ity 0 ~ 90 % R H N o c o nd en sa ti o n( )
P hys ica l P r op er ties
H o u s ing M e ta l
W e igh t
C olo r
1 40 g
B lac k
D im ens io n s
P r o tec tio n
8 5.0 (L )*7 5.5 (W )*1 6 .5( H )m m
ES D p ro te ctio n
1 a C o nta ct d i s ch ar ge l e v el 2 (±4 K V )
1 b A i r d i s ch arg e l e ve l 3 (±8 KV )
Im ple m en ta tio n o f t h e s t an da rd : I EC 61 0 00 - 4- 2
1 40 g
Lig ht nin g p ro te ctio n , S u rg e p r ot ect io n
C er tific at ion s FC C/ CE / Ro H S 2.0
3.5mm L/R
6 7 8 9 10
V ide o
It em s Tr a n sm itt e r R ec eiver
1. Connection Diagrams
2. Connection Instructions
1) Connect the source device to the HDMI IN port of the transmitter with an HDMI
cable, and connect the HDMI OUT port of the receiver to the display device with
another HDMI cable.
2) Use a Cat6/6A/7 cable to connect the RJ45 port of the transmitter and receiver.
3) If using HDMI loop out, connect the display device to the HDMI OUT port of the
4) If using IR passthrough, the IR blaster extension cable should plug into IR OUT
port of the transmitter, the IR receiver extension cable should plug into IR IN port
of the receiver.
5) If you need to output audio , connect the speaker to the L/R port with a 3.5mm
stereo audio cable.
6) Plug the power supply into the devices to get started.
3. IR User Guide
1) IR blaster extension cable should plug in the IR OUT port of the transmitter or
receiver, IR receiver extension cable should plug in the IR IN port of the transmitter
or receiver.
2) The emitter of the IR blaster extension cable should be as close as possible to the
IR receiving window of the source device.
3) Point the remote control at the receiving head of the IR receiver extension cable to
Q: The devices are connected correctly, but why is there no image displayed?
A: 1) Please make sure the HDMI cable meets the transmission requirements.
(e.g. 4K HDMI cable)
2) Please check and make sure the network cable is connected well.
3) Restart the transmitter or receiver by pressing the reset button.
Q: Why does the display occasionally have a black screen??
A: 1) Check if the length of the cable is within the specied range.
2) Reset the transmitter or receiver to re-built the connection.
Q: Why is the display color abnormal or no sound?
A: 1) Reset the transmitter or receiver to re-built the connection.
2) Check if the HDMI cables are connected well.
3) Reconnect the network cable.
©2023 Rocstroge, Inc. Rocstor is registered trademark of Rocstorage, Inc. The terms HDMI, HDMI
High-Denition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. The product name and brand name may
be registered trademark of related manufactures. ™ and ® may be omitted on the user manual. The
pictures in this user manual are just for reference. We reserve the rights to make changes without
further notice to a productor system described herein to improve reliability, function or design.
Technical Support / RMA
Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
Mon - Fri (excluding holidays)
Tell: +1 (818) 727-7000 (DOM/INTL)
Fax: +1 (818) 875-0002
Corporate, Government and Academic Customers
Our Corporate Sales Team's goal is to help our U.S.A. and Canadian customers nd a storage solution
that best serves their needs. We will help you determine your best purchasing options. For more
information please contact the appropriate department below or call us at +1 (818) 727-7000
General sales information:
Corporate sales information:
Educational sales information:
Federal, State & Local government sales information:
Resellers/Business Development/OEM Partners
All Channel National and International Resellers, VARs, Consultants …
contact Rocstor Channel Sales: call: +1 (818) 727-7000
Sales Info
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
Mon - Fri (excluding holidays)
Tell: +1 (818) 727-7000 (DOM/INTL)
Fax: +1 (818) 875-0002
Corporate Headquarters
12979 Arroyo Ave
San Fernando, CA 91340 - USA
Oce: +1 (818) 727-7000
Fax: +1 (818) 875-0002
Contact Information
Especificaciones del producto
Marca: | Rocstor |
Categoría: | Convertidor de audio/video |
Modelo: | TrueReach Y10G001-B1 |
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