SKG W9Pro Manual de Usario

Lee a continuación 📖 el manual en español para SKG W9Pro (1 páginas) en la categoría Massage apparaat. Esta guía fue útil para 5 personas y fue valorada con 4.5 estrellas en promedio por 2 usuarios

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材质:120g双铜+双面印刷 尺寸:90*130mm Pantone 3252C
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英语 德语 法语
Prosimy uruchomić i sprawdzić już teraz
Przycisk Wł./Wył. – naciśnij i
przytrzymaj przez 1,5 s, aby
włączyć/wyłączyć urządzenie
Założyć tą stroną
na zewnątrz
Założyć tą stroną do
wewnątrz i
dopasować do talii
Kontrolki (kontrolki
poziomu naładowania akumulatora)
Złącze do ładowania typu C
Głowica do masażu
(podkładki elektrod)
Pas do masażu
Tył pasa
Przód pasa
Po pełnym naładowaniu wszystkie 4 kontrolki świecą się, a liczba białych kontrolek reprezentuje
pozostałą moc.
Jeśli tylko jedna kontrolka świeci się na czerwono, poziom naładowania akumulatora jest niski i
zaleca się jego naładowanie.
(Schemat służy wyłącznie do celów ilustracyjnych i może różnić się wyglądem od rzeczywistego produktu)
Ein/Aus-Taste, zum Ein- und
Ausschalten 1,5 Sekunden lang
gedrückt halten
Tragen Sie diese
Seite nach außen
Tragen Sie diese
Seite nach innen
und passen Sie sie
an Ihre Taille an
Rückseite des Gurts
Vorderseite des Gurts
Wenn der Akku vollständig geladen ist, leuchten alle 4 Lichter, und die Anzahl der weißen
Lichter zeigt die verbleibende Leistung an;
Wenn nur eine Anzeigenleuchte rot leuchtet, bedeutet dies, dass der Akku schwach ist, und es
wird empfohlen, ihn rechtzeitig aufzuladen;
(Das Drahtgitter dient lediglich zur Veranschaulichung und kann vom tatsächlichen Produkt abweichen)
Bouton Marche/Arrêt, appuyez
et maintenez pendant 1,5s pour
allumer/éteindre l’appareil
Portez ce côté vers
Portez ce côté vers
l'intérieur et
ajustez-le en fonction
de votre taille
Voyants lumineux
(voyants du niveau de la batterie)
Lampe à
rayonnement infrarouge
Prise de chargement de type C.
Tête de massage
Ceinture de massage
Dos de la ceinture
Devant de la ceinture
Une fois complètement chargés, les 4voyants sont allumés et le nombre de voyants blancs
représente la puissance restante;
Un seul voyant restant allumé en rouge signifie une batterie faible, et il est recommandé de la
(L’illustration est présentée uniquement à des fins d’illustration et peut différer en apparence du produit réel)
Botón encendido/apagado,
presione y mantenga durante 1,5
s para apagar/encender
Lleve este lado
hacia fuera
Lleve este lado hacia
dentro y ajustado a
su cintura
Luz indicadora
(luz indicadora de nivel de batería)
Lámpara de
Puerto de carga Tipo-C
Cabezal de
masaje (electrodos)
Cinturón de masaje
Parte trasera del cinturón
Frontal del cinturón
Cuando está completamente cargado, las 4 luces están encendidas, y el número de luces
indicadoras blancas representa la energía restante;
Cuando solo quede una luz indicadora encendida en rojo, significa que la batería está baja, y se
recomienda cargarla a tiempo;
Pulsante di accensione/spegni-
mento, tenere premuto per 1,5 s
per accendere/spegnere
Indossare questo
lato verso l’esterno
Indossare questo lato
verso l’interno e
regolare in base al
Spie luminose
(spie del livello della batteria)
Lampada a
irraggiamento infrarosso
Porta di ricarica di tipo C
Testina massaggiante
(elettrodi adesivi)
Cintura per massaggio
Retro della cintura
Parte anteriore della cintura
Quando la carica è completa, tutte e 4 le spie sono accese e il numero di spie bianche rappresenta
l’energia rimanente;
Una sola spia rossa accesa significa che la batteria è scarica e si raccomanda di caricarla
(Il wireframe è solo a scopo illustrativo e può differire nell’aspetto dal prodotto reale)(El alambre es solo para fines ilustrativos y puede diferir en apariencia del producto real)
On/Off button, press and
hold for 1.5S to turn on/off
Wear this side
Wear this side
inwards and is adjust
based on your waist
Indicator lights (battery
level indicator lights)
irradiation lamp
Type-C charging port
Massage head
(electrode pads)
Massage belt
Back of belt
Front of belt
When fully charged, all 4 lights are on, and the number of white indicator lights represents the
remaining power;
Only one indicator light remaining on in red means low battery, and it is recommended to
charge it in time;
(The wireframe is for illustration purposes only and may differ in appearance from the actual product)
Waist Massager
Operating Instructions
Step 1: After receiving the product, download the SKG Health APP (refer to the
smart control procedures on APP). If you have purchased the remote control, you
can also use the it to control the belt (please refer to the package insert of the
remote control for how to use);
Step 2: Press and hold the On/Off button for 1.5 seconds to turn it on. After the
electrode pads are warm, wear the massage belt around the waist, and then
tighten the belt, so that the massage head electrode pads can be attached tightly
on the skin;
Step 3: Open the mobile APP or use the remote control to control the intensity,
mode and hot compress intensity level;
Step 4: After massage, the product automatically turns off. Remove the belt and
store in a clean and safe place.
Product basic parameters
Model Rated charging
capacity 2450mAh/9.07Wh
Rated input
Waist Massager
Instrukcja obsługi
Krok pierwszy: Po otrzymaniu produktu pobierz aplikację SKG Health (patrz
procedury inteligentnego sterowania w aplikacji). W przypadku zakupu pilota
zdalnego sterowania można go również użyć do sterowania pasem (sposób użycia
można znaleźć w ulotce dołączonej do opakowania pilota zdalnego sterowania);
Krok 2: Naciśnij i przytrzymaj przycisk Wł./Wył. przez 1,5 s, aby włączyć urządzenie.
Po rozgrzaniu się elektrod załóż pas do masażu wokół talii, a następnie zaciśnij
pasek, tak aby elektrody głowicy do masażu ściśle przylegały do skóry;
Krok 3: Otwórz aplikację na urządzeniu mobilnym lub użyj pilota do sterowania
intensywnością masażu, trybem i intensywnością kompresu rozgrzewającego;
Krok 4: Po masażu produkt wyłącza się automatycznie. Zdejmij pas i przechowuj
go w czystym i bezpiecznym miejscu.
Podstawowe parametry produktu
akumulatora 2450mAh/9.07Wh
Rated input
Masażer do talii
Erster Schritt: Laden Sie nach Erhalt des Produkts die SKG Health APP herunter
(siehe Smart-Control-Verfahren auf der APP). Wenn Sie eine Fernbedienung
erworben haben, können Sie diese auch zur Steuerung des Gurts verwenden
(siehe Packungsbeilage der Fernbedienung);
Schritt 2: Halten Sie die Ein/Aus-Taste 1,5 Sekunden lang gedrückt, um das Gerät
einzuschalten. Nachdem die Elektrodenpads warm sind, legen Sie den
Massagegurt um die Taille und ziehen Sie den Gurt fest, so dass die Elektroden-
pads des Massagekopfes fest auf der Haut aufliegen;
Schritt 3: Öffnen Sie die mobile APP oder verwenden Sie die Fernbedienung, um
die Intensität, den Modus und die Intensität der heißen Kompresse zu steuern;
Schritt 4: Nach der Massage schaltet sich das Gerät automatisch ab. Nehmen Sie
den Gurt ab und bewahren Sie ihn an einem sauberen und sicheren Ort auf.
Grundlegende Produkt-Parameter
Modell Nennladespannu
Akkuleistung 2450mAh/9.07Wh
Mode d'emploi
Étape 1: Après avoir reçu le produit, téléchargez l'application SKG Health
(reportez-vous aux procédures de contrôle intelligent sur l'application). Si vous
avez acheté la télécommande, vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour contrôler la
ceinture (veuillez vous référer à la notice de la télécommande pour découvrir
comment l'utiliser);
Étape 2: Appuyez et maintenez enfoncé le bouton Marche/Arrêt pendant 1,5
seconde pour allumer l’appareil. Une fois que les électrodes sont chaudes, placez
la ceinture de massage autour de votre taille, puis serrez la ceinture, de sorte que
les électrodes de la tête de massage puissent être fermement fixées sur la peau;
Étape 3: Ouvrez l'application ou utilisez la télécommande pour contrôler
l'intensité, le mode de l’appareil et le niveau d'intensité de la compresse chaude;
Étape 4: Le produit s'éteint automatiquement après le massage. Retirez la
ceinture et rangez-la dans un endroit propre et sûr.
Paramètres de base du produit
nominale de
Capacité de
la batterie 2450mAh/9.07Wh
Nom du
nominale en
Masseur pour la taille
Instrucciones de uso
Primer paso: Tras recibir el producto, descargue la APP SKG Health (consulte los
procedimientos de control inteligente en la APP). Si p1-ha comprado el mando a
distancia, también puede utilizarlo para controlar el cinturón (consulte el
prospecto del mando a distancia para saber cómo utilizarlo);
Paso 2: Pulse y mantenga el botón de encendido/apagado durante 1,5 segundos
para encenderlo. Tras calentarse los electrodos, póngase el cinturón de masaje
alrededor de la cintura, y apriételo, de modo que los electrodos queden pegados
a la piel;
Paso 3: Abra la APP móvil o utilice el control remoto para controlar la intensidad,
el modo y el nivel de compresión caliente;
Paso 4: Tras el masaje, el producto se apaga automáticamente. Quíteselo y
almacénelo en un lugar limpio y seguro.
Parámetros básicos del producto
Modelo Tensión de carga
de la batería 2450mAh/9.07Wh
Nombre del
Potencia de
entrada nominal
Masajeador de cintura
Istruzioni per l’uso
Primo passo: Dopo aver ricevuto il prodotto, scaricare l’APP SKG Health (fare
riferimento alle procedure di controllo intelligente sull’APP). Se è stato acquistato
il telecomando, è possibile utilizzarlo anche per controllare la cintura (per le
modalità di utilizzo, consultare il foglietto illustrativo del telecomando);
Passo 2: Tenere premuto il pulsante di accensione/spegnimento per 1,5 secondi
per accenderlo. Quando gli elettrodi adesivi sono caldi, indossare la cintura per il
massaggio intorno alla vita, quindi stringere la cintura, in modo che gli elettrodi
adesivi della testina massaggiante possano essere fissati saldamente sulla pelle;
Passo 3: Aprire l’APP mobile o utilizzare il telecomando per controllare l’intensità,
la modalità e il livello di intensità dell’impacco caldo;
Passo 4: Dopo il massaggio, il prodotto si spegne automaticamente. Rimuovere la
cintura e conservarla in un luogo pulito e sicuro.
Parametri di base del prodotto
Modello Tensione di
carica nominale
della batteria 2450mAh/9.07Wh
nominale in
Massaggiatore per la vita
·Never use with the following medical electronic devices to avoid impact
and the consequential injury
- Implantable electronic medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers
- Electronic medical devices for life support, such as artificial heart-lung machine
- Electronic medical devices such as electrocardiographs
·Do not use the massager in the petrol stations, highly dusty workshops, gas
stations and other flammable and explosive facilities
·A patient who uses a high-frequency surgical device and a massager at the
same time may suffer burns at the location of the electrode pads, and the
massager may be damaged as well
·If the product is used in the vicinity of shortwave or microwave therapy
equipment (1 meter), the output of the massager may be unstable
·Avoid contact the electrode pads with wounds and scars during massage
·Do not place electrode pads near the heart in the chest during massage, as this
increases the risk of cardiac fibrillation
·The product is recommended for use by one user. If the product is used by
multiple users, clean the electrode pads on the product before use.
·When using the product, the electrode pads should be closely attached to the
skin to make uniform contact.
·This product has a heating function which, when turned on for a long time
than 20 minutes) on the same part, may cause low temperature burns.
·Stop using if you feel unwell during or after use, and consult a doctor.
·This product contains a lithium battery. Do not disassemble, modify, immerse in
water or throw it in fire, otherwise the product may be damaged and explode.
·Do not use the product near the heart, above the neck, on the head, in the
mouth, on the pudendum, or on the skin surface with skin disorders and do not
massage the soles of both feet at the same time
·Also, do not use the product to compress the viscera. Failure to do so may
result in accidents or physical discomfort.
·Do not use with other medical devices or more than 2 sets of this product at the
same time, as this may cause nausea or physical discomfort.
·Do not use for the purposes other than those described in the user manual,
otherwise accidents and malfunctions may occur.
·Do not use electrode pads with chipped or damaged surfaces, otherwise
accidents and malfunctions may occur.
·Do not disassemble, repair or modify the product without prior authorization, as
this may cause malfunctions or electric shocks.
In the following cases, please consult your doctor before use.
Failure to do so may result in accidents or physical discomfort:
·Patients who are being treated by a doctor and feel abnormal
·Patients with infectious diseases
·Patients with cardiac and brain nerve abnormalities
·Patients with impaired skin perception or abnormal skin
·Patients with a temperature of more than 38 degrees (fever period)
·Patients who are taking medication
·Those whose skin is sensitive to graphene/graphite
·Patients with abnormal blood pressure
·Patients who are not free to express themselves
·Patients with a high level of peripheral circulatory dysfunction caused by (e.g.)
·In the event of abnormal conditions where the product cannot operate,
immediately cut off the power supply and remove the product, otherwise it may
produce high temperature or short circuit, and contact our customer service for
after-sales consultation in the event of an accident.
·Do not plug or unplug the USB charging cable with wet hands, as this may
cause electric shocks or accidents.
·Do not use the product on children or those who do not have the ability to
express themselves consciously, as this may cause accidents or physical
·Do not use the product in places with high humidity, such as bathrooms, or use
the product while bathing, as this may result in strong electric shocks and
damage to the product.
·Do not use the massager at bedtime, otherwise massager malfunction may
occur, and the electrode pads may be moved to other parts, which may cause
physical discomfort.
·Do not use the product when driving the car, otherwise physical discomfort may
occur due to excessive stimulation, which may result in an accident.
·Do not stick the electrode pads on the affected area for a long time, as this may
cause skin inflammation.
·Do not allow metal parts of belts, necklaces, etc. to touch the electrode pads
while massaging, as this may result in strong electric shocks.
·When using the massage function, do not use it in the same area for a long time
(more than 30 minutes), otherwise physical discomfort may occur due to muscle
fatigue in the massage area.
·Wear the product correctly and symmetrically around the waist, otherwise
accidents or physical discomfort may occur.
·When unplugging the USB charging cable from the massager, do not pull the
cable, but hold the cable plug and pull it out, otherwise it may cause electric
shock or damage the product.
·The electrode pads of the product have a heating surface, and users who are
insensitive to heat shall take care when using this product.
·After long-time operation of the product, the heat on the product surface is
·Please confirm that the massager buttons are working properly before use.
·At the first time of use, or after the product has not been used for a long time,
charge the battery in accordance with the user manual to ensure its normal
·At the time of product disposal, please dispose of it in accordance with the
relevant environmental protection regulations of the city, otherwise it may cause
environmental pollution.
·Recommended for use by people of 16 years and older.
·For the health of your eyes, do not irradiate your eyes with the Infrared light for
an extended time.
·Please read the user manual before using the product.
·If you feel unwell due to an abnormality in this product, stop using it
immediately. If you feel uncomfortable on your body or skin, consult your doctor
and follow your doctor's instructions.
·If you want to move the electrode pads or to move the product to another
person during a massage, be sure to disconnect the power supply before
moving it, otherwise you may suffer a strong electric shock
·Do not place electrode pads on the craniocerebral part of patients with a history
of cerebrovascular accidents
·Do not massage when wearing electronic devices. Failure to do so may result in
incorrect operation of the electronic device (e.g., electronic watches are out of
Do not use or store the product in the following places:
Places with direct sunlight Places with high temperature and humidity Places | |
with water
Dusty places Places near fireworks Places susceptible to vibration and shock| |
Places with strong electromagnetic fields
Environment of use
Please use the product within the temperature range of 0°C~35°C, and store the
massager and its accessories within the temperature range of -20°C~+45°C. Too
high or too low ambient temperature may cause failure of the massager.
Patients with malignant tumors
Pregnant women, parturient women
Pacemaker users
Near the heart of human body
Patients with a tendency to bleed
Patients with acute suppurative inflammation
Patients with metal implant
Patients with spastic paralysis
Within half an hour after meals
People with unclear consciousness and deformity of limb bone and joint contracture
The product cannot be used at the waist and lower abdomen of early pregnant
Patients with coagulopathy
Patients with spasticity after a
cerebrovascular accident
People with severe cognitive
Neurostressors with nervous
Use of this product is prohibited under the following circumstances:
Precautions for product disposal
Please support the recycling of rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion batteries)
Please keep the removed rechargeable battery out of the reach of
infants and children to prevent accidental swallowing.
The lithium-ion battery used in this product is a valuable resource that can be
recycled. Therefore, when it is out of use and disposed of, hand it over to a
professional organization that can recycle rechargeable batteries for disposal. The
battery must be removed from the massager before disposal. The massager must
be powered off before the battery is removed. The battery should be disposed of
1. Use professional tools to pry open the plastic shell without buttons;
2. Remove the battery output cable connection terminal;
3. Remove the battery.
Do not overheat the battery by throwing it into the fire.
Do not pierce with nails, impact by gravity or disassemble and
Do not connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery
directly with metal.
Do not store it together with necklaces, hairpins, etc.
Do not charge, use and place the battery in a hot place, such as by
the fireplace or under the hot sun
The battery used in this product is a special rechargeable battery,
which should not be used in other products. Do not charge the
rechargeable battery that has been taken out.
In case of accidental swallowing, please seek immediate medical
When the battery fluid leaks, do not touch the liquid with your bare
hands, and handle it as follows.
When the battery fluid enters the eyes, there is a risk of blindness,
please do not rub your eyes directly with your hands, but wash them
with clean water immediately and seek medical treatment. When the
battery fluid is in contact with the body or clothes, it may cause skin
inflammation or injury, please wash with clean water, and seek
medical treatment immediately.
The product can only be disassembled at the time of disposal,
otherwise it may result in fire, electric shock, injury and other
accidents. If repairs are required (except for battery replacement),
please consult the distributor where you purchased the product.
Battery removal steps:
All of the above can cause heat, fire, rupture, etc.
This device was tested for typical body worn operations. To comply
with RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 0cm
must be maintained between the user’s body and the handset,
including the antenna. Third party belt clips, holsters, and similar accessories used ‐ ‐
by this device should not contain any metallic components. Body worn accessories
that do not meet these requirements may not comply with RF exposure
requirements and should be avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved
antenna. This device in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. All essential radio test suites have
been carried out.
2. The device complies with RF specifications when the device used at 0mm form
your body EU Compliance Statement:
SKG Health technology Co.,Ltd. Here by declares that this device is in compliance
with essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive
2014/53/EU. A copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available online at
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
condition that this device does not cause harmful interference (1) this device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
devicecanbeusedinportable exposureconditionwithoutrestriction.
RSS-Gen Issue 4 December 2014"&"CNR-Gen 4e Décembre 2014:
- English:
This device complies with IndustryCanadalicence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
- French:
Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d'IndustrieCanadaapplicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi,
mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement.
Old electrical appliances must not be disposed of together with the residual
waste, but have to be disposed of separately. The disposal at the communa
collecting point via private persons is for free. The owner of old appliances is
responsible to bring the appliances to these collecting points or to similar
collection points. With this little personal effort, you contribute to recycle valuable
raw materials and the treatment of toxic substances.
lf you experience skin irritation when using the body massager, please refrain from
using it, and wait two to three days to see if your symptoms ease. lf symptoms
persist or worsen, please consult a physician.
lf you have eczema, allergies or asthma, you may be more likely to experience a skin
irritation or allergy from using the massager.
* The appliance it must only be supplied at safety extra low voltage corresponding to
the marking on the appliance.
* This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and
knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
*Children shall not play with the appliance.
* Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: SKG
Categoría: Massage apparaat
Modelo: W9Pro

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