Sungrow SBR192 Manual de Usario

Sungrow Batería SBR192

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SBR096 / SBR128 / SBR160
SBR192 / SBR224 / SBR256
All Rights Reserved
AAllll RRiigghhttss RReesseerrvveedd
No part of this document can be reproduced in any form or by any means without the
prior written permission of Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd (hereinafter "SUNGROW").
and other Sungrow trademarks used in this manual are owned by
All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are owned by
their respective owners.
SSooffttwwaarree LLiicceennsseess
It is prohibited to use data contained in firmware or software developed by
SUNGROW, in part or in full, for commercial purposes by any means.
It is prohibited to perform reverse engineering, cracking, or any other operations that
compromise the original program design of the software developed by SUNGROW.
About This Manual
The manual mainly describes the product information, guidelines for installation,
operation and maintenance. The manual cannot include complete information the
system (i. e. the inverter), just the battery. The reader can get additional information
about other devices at wwwwww..ssuunnggrroowwppoowweerr..ccoomm or on the webpage of the respective
component manufacturer.
This manual is valid for the following battery models:
They will be referred to as "battery" hereinafter unless otherwise specified.
TTaarrggeett GGrroouupp
This manual is intended for battery owners who will have the ability to interact with the
battery and qualified personnel who are responsible for the installation and
commissioning of the battery. Qualified personnel should have the following skills:
Training for installation and commissioning of electrical system, as well as dealing
with hazards
Knowledge of the manual and other related documents
Knowledge of the local regulations and directives
HHooww ttoo UUssee TThhiiss MMaannuuaall
Read the manual and other related documents before performing any work on the
battery. Documents must be stored carefully and be available at all times.
Contents may be periodically updated or revised due to the product development. It is
probably that there are changes of manual in the subsequent battery edition. The latest
manual can be acquired via visiting the website at ssuuppppoorrtt..ssuunnggrroowwppoowweerr..ccoomm.
Important instructions contained in this manual should be followed during installation,
operation and maintenance of the inverter. They will be highlighted by the following
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk that, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk that, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk that, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation that, if not avoided, could result in equipment or property
Indicates additional information, emphasized contents or tips that may be
helpful, e.g. to help you solve problems or save time.
BMS: Battery Management System
BMU: Battery Management Unit
CAN: Controller Area Network
CMU: Battery Cluster Management Unit
LFP: Lithium iron phosphate
PCS: Power Conversion System
SOC: State of Charge
All Rights Reserved .....................................................................................................I
About This Manual ..................................................................................................... II
1 Safety .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Notices for Safe Use .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Battery Handling Information ........................................................................ 2
1.3 Emergency Situations .................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 Leaking Batteries ................................................................................ 3
1.3.2 Fire..................................................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Wet Batteries...................................................................................... 4
1.3.4 Damaged Batteries............................................................................. 4
2 Product Description .................................................................................... 6
2.1 Product Introduction..................................................................................... 6
2.2 Terminal Description..................................................................................... 8
2.3 Symbols on the Product ............................................................................... 9
2.4 LED Indicator ............................................................................................. 10
3 Unpacking and Storage ........................................................................... 11
3.1 Unpacking and Inspection .......................................................................... 11
3.2 Scope of Delivery ....................................................................................... 11
3.3 Storage...................................................................................................... 12
4 Mounting ...................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Safety during Mounting .............................................................................. 13
4.2 Location Requirements .............................................................................. 13
4.3 Installation Environment Requirements ....................................................... 13
4.4 Installation Clearance Requirements........................................................... 13
4.5 Installation Tools......................................................................................... 14
4.6 Installing the Battery ................................................................................... 15
5 Parallel System(Optional) .................................................................. 21
5.1 Scope of Delivery ....................................................................................... 21
5.2 Mounting the Junction Box ......................................................................... 21
5.3 Terminal Description (Junction Box)............................................................ 22
5.4 Connection Diagram in Parallel System ...................................................... 23
5.5 Installing the SUNCLIX Connector............................................................... 25
5.6 Installing the COMM IN Connector.............................................................. 27
6 Commissioning ........................................................................................... 30
6.1 Inspection before Commissioning............................................................... 30
6.2 Commissioning Procedure ......................................................................... 30
7 Decommissioning the Battery ............................................................... 31
8 Troubleshooting and Maintenance ...................................................... 32
8.1 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 32
8.2 Maintenance.............................................................................................. 36
9 Appendix ...................................................................................................... 38
9.1 Technical Data ........................................................................................... 38
9.2 Quality Assurance ...................................................................................... 41
9.3 Contact Information ................................................................................... 42
The device has been designed and tested strictly according to international safety
regulations. Read all safety instructions carefully prior to any work and observe them at
all times when working on or with the device.
Incorrect operation or work may cause:
Injury or death to the operator or a third party;
Damage to the device and other properties.
All detailed work-related safety warnings and notes are specified at critical points in this
The safety instructions in this manual cannot cover all the precautions that
should be followed. Perform operations considering actual onsite conditions.
SUNGROW shall not be held liable for any damage caused by violation of the
safety instructions in this manual.
1.1 Notices for Safe Use
Read all safety instructions carefully prior to any work and observe them at all times
when working on or with the battery. Failure to observe the precautions described in this
section can cause serious injury to persons or damage to property.
Risk of explosion
Do not subject the battery to any strong force.
Do not mechanically damage the battery (pierce, deform, strip down, etc.)
Do not heat the battery or dispose of the battery in a fire.
Do not install the battery in potentially explosive environments.
Risk of fire
Do not expose the battery to temperatures in excess of 60°C.
Do not place the battery near a heat source, such as direct sunlight, a
fireplace, a thermally uninsulated wall exposed to sunlight, hot water, or a
Keep sources of ignition such as sparks, flames, and smoking materials
away from the battery.
Risk of electric shock
Do not disassemble the battery.
Do not handle a wet battery or use wet tools.
Do not soak the battery in water or expose it to moisture or liquids.
Keep the battery away from children and animals.
Wear suitable clothing, guards and gloves to prevent you from direct contact
with the DC voltage.
Use insulated tools during working with battery.
Set aside metal jewelry before working on the DC circuit.
1.2 Battery Handling Information
Comply with local standards for use with the battery.
Any man-made damage will void the limited warranty for the battery. Handle the battery
with care to protect it from damage.
Use the battery only as intended and designed.
The battery must only be installed at a suitable location.
Make sure the battery is well connected to ground before use.
Do not use the battery if it is defective, appears cracked, broken or damaged, or fails
to operate.
Do not use the battery together with other types of batteries.
Do not pull, drag or step on the battery.
Do not leave any foreign objects inside the battery.
1 Safety User Manual
Do not repair or modify the battery. It is not user serviceable.
Do not pull out any cables when the battery is powered on.
Do not damage the sheath of cables, wire harness and connectors.
While the battery is charged, used and stored, keep it away from materials that are
prone to electric discharge, including static discharge.
Keep the battery away from babies and children to avoid any accidents.
Cover terminals with insulating tape before proper disposal.
1.3 Emergency Situations
1.3.1 Leaking Batteries
Abuse/misuse/damage of the battery may cause increasing of internal pressure in the
battery cells. It may result in the electrolyte venting. In the event that battery electrolyte is
Do not enter the room under any circumstance.
Avoid contact with the leaking liquid or gas.
Call the Local Emergency number or Fire Brigade if necessary.
If one is exposed to the leaking substance, follow the suggestions below to minimize the
chance of injury:
Inhalation: Evacuate the contaminated area, and seek medical aid.
Eye contact: Rinse eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, and
seek medical aid immediately.
Skin contact: Wash the affected area thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. If possible, remove or saturate contaminated clothing with water. Seek
medical aid if the patient is distressed.
Ingestion: Induce vomiting, and seek medical aid immediately.
Wipe out the contacted area with a sponge or cloth that is soaked in water until you
obtain medical aid. These materials can damage skin and eyes, causing blindness.
1.3.2 Fire
Fire may occur with the battery despite its careful design. Likewise, a fire near the
battery can cause it to catch fire.
PPrrootteeccttiivvee eeqquuiippmmeenntt
A respirator is not required during normal operations.
In the event of a fire, hazardous fumes including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and/
or various hydrocarbons may be emitted. To comply with the Personal Protective
Equipment Directive (89/686/EEC), use a full-face self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) with full protective gear during fire fighting.
User Manual 1 Safety
FFiirree ffiigghhttiinngg
In the event of a fire, only qualified firefighters with appropriate protective
equipment are permitted to enter the room where the battery is located.
Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to fully extinguish. Consider allowing the
system to burn. Smoke indicates that the battery is still burning. Always note
that there is a risk of the battery re-igniting.
Proceed as follows for firefighting.
1 Shut off any connected power system or electronics such as the battery, battery
isolator, PV DC isolator(s), AC isolator, solar supply main switch and normal supply
main switch.
2 Perform an adequate knock down on the fire before entering the incident’s hot
3 If the battery catches on fire, use firefighting sand or CO2extinguisher to extinguish
4 If the battery becomes involved in fire or is bent, damaged or breached in any way,
or if you suspect that the battery is heating, use large amounts of water to cool the
battery. Do not try to extinguish the fire with a small amount of water. Always obtain
an additional water supply.
5 If the fire is not from the battery and has not spread to it yet, use an ABC fire
extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Remove batteries and other ignition sources from
the scene of a fire.
1.3.3 Wet Batteries
If the battery is submerged in water, do not let people access it, and then contact
Sungrow or an authorized service partner for technical support.
If a battery is submerged in water or flooded, first, switch off all circuit breakers in the
system to cut off the power supply to the battery. Wait until floodwaters subside and do
not approach near battery. If someone needs to go into the flooded water, wear
insulated full length rubber boots and gloves.
Do not use a flooded battery again.
1.3.4 Damaged Batteries
The battery consists of lithium-ion cells. These are considered dry cell batteries. If the
battery is damaged, only a small amount of battery fluid can leak.
A damaged battery can cause rapid heating of the battery cells. If you notice smoke
coming from the battery area, assume that the battery is burning and take appropriate
action as described in ." "1.3.2 Fire
1 Safety User Manual
Damaged batteries are dangerous and must be handled with extreme caution. They are
not fit for use and may pose a danger to people or property. If a battery seems to be
1 Pack it in its original container.
2 Store it in a separated room like the installation place.
3 Contact SUNGROW.
A damaged battery may release dangerous material and a flammable gas
mixture. Never try to repair the battery even if you are a qualified electrician.
User Manual 1 Safety
2Product Description
2.1 Product Introduction
BBrriieeff IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
The battery is designed for residential energy storage systems. The inbuilt battery
management system monitors its operation and prevents the battery from operating
beyond the specified limitations.
This product is a high-voltage battery system with an operating voltage range between
168 V ~ 584 V. A battery system consist of 3 to 8 individual battery modules connected
in series.
The battery can be expanded to 4 units in parallel at most. Available in Q3, 2021.
ffiigguurree 22--11 Product overview
table 2-1 Design of the product
PPoossiittiioonn DDeessiiggnnaattiioonn
LED Indicator
LED indicator include the SOC indicator and the status indicator. The
status indicator is also used as the power button.
LED indicator indicates the SOC value and status of the battery.
The nameplate clearly indentifies the product. The nameplate must
remain permanently attached to the product. You will find the following
information on the nameplate:
SUNGROW logo and product model
Technical data
Product symbol
C DC circuit breaker
User Manual 2 Product Description
MMaajjoorr CCoommppoonneennttss
NNaammee DDeessiiggnnaattiioonn
A Base
BBattery module
CTop cover
DSwitch gear
E Side cover
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn TTaabbllee
NNoo.. MMooddeell BBaassee BBaatttteerryy
mmoodduullee TToopp ccoovveerr SSwwiittcchh
ggeeaarr SSiiddee ccoovveerr
1 SBR096 1 3 1 1 0
2 SBR128 1 4 1 1 1
3 SBR160 1 5 1 1 2
4 SBR192 1 6 1 1 3
5 SBR224 1 7 1 1 4
6 SBR256 1 8 1 1 5
2.2 Terminal Description
All electrical terminals are located at the switch gear.
2 Product Description User Manual

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: Sungrow
Categoría: Batería
Modelo: SBR192

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