Zanussi ZAN3626 Manual de Usario

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36xx 02 08 02
Vacuum cle ane r O pe rating instructions
Bode nstaubsauge r Ge brauch sanw e isung
Stofzuige r Ge bruik saanw ijzing
Aspirate ur traîne au Mode d'e m ploi
Aspirapolve re Instruzioni pe r luso
Aspirado de polvo Instruccione s de uso
Aspirador Instruçõe s de utilizão
Ele k trik li sürge Kullanm a k ılavuzu
Η λεκτρική σκούπ α Οδη ϊες χρήσεω ς
Пылесос Pуководство по
Us is avač Upute za rad
Vysav Návod k použití
Прахосмукачка инструкции за употреба
O dk urzacz Instruk cja obsługi
Aspirator Instrucţiuni de utilizare
Vysáv Návod na používanie
Se salnik Navodila za uporabo
Usisiv Uputstvo za upotre bu
Tolm uim e ja Kasutusjuh e nd
Pute k ļsūcēja Ek spluatācijas instruk cija
D ulk ių siurblys Naudojim o instruk cija
Porszívó H asználati útm utató
Z AN3600 Z AN3610 Z AN3615 Z AN3625 Z AN3626 Z AN3630
Z AN3600
Z AN3610
Z AN3615
Z AN3625
Z AN3626
Z AN3630
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1+ 1
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Safe ty pre cautions
Th is appliance is not inte nde d for us e by pe rsons (including
ch ildre n) w ith re duce d ph ysical, se ns ory or m e ntal
capabilitie s, or lack of e xpe rie nce and k now le dge , unle s s
th e y h ave be e n give n s upe rvis ion or ins truction conce rning
us e of th e appliance by a pe rson re spons ible for th e ir safe ty.
Th e vacuum cle ane r fe ature s double insulation and doe s not
ne e d to be e arth e d.
Ch ildre n s h ould be supe rvis e d to e nsure th at th e y do not
play w ith th e appliance .
Ne ve r vacuum :
In w e t are as.
Close to am m able gase s, e tc.
W ith out a dust bag (th is m ay dam age th e cle ane r). A
safe ty de vice is fitte d w h ich pre ve nts th e cove r to close
w ith out a dust bag. D o not atte m pt to force cove r to close .
Sh arp obje cts .
Fluids (th is can caus e se rious dam age to th e m ach ine ).
H ot or cold cinde rs , lit cigare tte butts , e tc.
Fine dust from plaste r, concre te , or or ash , for e xam ple .
Th e above can caus e se rious dam age to th e m otor
dam age w h ich is not cove re d by th e w arranty.
Ele ctrical cable pre cautions:
If th e supply cord is dam age d, it m us t be re place d by th e
m anufacture r, its se rvice age nt or sim ilary q ualifie d
pe rs on in orde r to avoid a h azard. D am age to th e
cle ane r cable w ill not be cove re d by th e w arranty.
Ne ve r pull or lift th e vacuum cle ane r by th e cable .
D isconne ct th e plug from th e w all sock e t be fore cle aning
or m aintaining th e vacuum cle ane r.
Re gularly ch e ck th at th e cable is not dam age d. Ne ve r us e
th e vacuum cle ane r if th e cable is dam age d.
All se rvice and re pairs m us t be carrie d out by an auth orise d
Ele ctrolux se rvice ce ntre . Alw ays k e e p th e vacuum cle ane r in
a dry place .
Be fore starting
(9 .) Ch e ck th at th e dust bag and m otor filte r are in
place .
(10.) Ins e rt th e h ose until th e catch click s to e ngage
(pre ss th e catch to re le as e th e h ose ).
(11.) Attach th e e xte nsion w and or te le s copic w and (only
on ce rtain m ode ls ) to th e h os e h andle and oor
nozzle (to tak e th e m apart again, tw is t and pull).
(12.) Exte nd th e cord and plug it into th e w all s ock e t.
Th e vacuum cle ane r h as an inte grate d cord
w inde r. To re w ind th e cable pre ss th e foot pe dal
(tak e h old of th e plug to pre ve nt it strik ing you).
(13.) Start th e vacuum cle ane r by rotating th e pow e r
control button.
(13./14.) Adjus t suction pow e r us ing th e pow e r control
button on th e vacuum cle ane r or th e s uction
control on th e h os e h andle .
(15.) A practical park ing fe ature (as w e ll as m inim izing
th e risk of bre ak age ) m ak e s th ings e asie r w h e n
paus ing during cle aning.
(16.) Th e park ing fe ature m ak e s it e asie r to m ove and
store th e vacuum cle ane r.
Use th e nozzle s as follow s:
Carpe ts: Use th e carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle w ith th e le ve r in
position (17). Re duce suction pow e r for sm all carpe ts.
H ard floors: Us e th e carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle w ith th e le ve r
in position (18).
W oode n floors: U s e th e parq ue t nozzle (ce rtain m ode ls
only, 6).
Spe cial com bine d nozzle : D e tach th e nozzle from th e
acce s s ory dock and use it for book sh e lve s (w ith folding out
of th e b rus h e nd) or cre vice s , corne rs (w ith th e cre vice
e nd) (8.)
Using th e turbo nozzle
(ce rtain m ode ls only) (7a)
(19 .) Attach th e nozzle to th e tube .
Note : D o not use th e pow e r or turbo nozzle on fur rugs, rugs
w ith long fringe s or a pile de pth exce e ding 15 m m . To avoid
dam aging th e carpe t, do not k e e p th e nozzle stationary
w h ilst th e brush is rotating. D o not pass th e nozzle across
e le ctric cable s, and be sure to sw itch off th e vacuum cle ane r
im m e diate ly afte r use .
Re placing th e dust bag/cle aning th e filte r
Ch anging th e dust bag
Th e dus t bag m us t be re place d late s t w h e n th e indicator
w indow is com ple te ly re d. Re ad w ith th e nozzle lifte d up
1. O pe n th e lid.
2. Pus h th e dus t bag h olde r back w ard (21.) and clos e
th e bag by sliding tab (22.).
3. Lift out th e dust bag (23.).
Be w are : Lift out th e bag care fully if its com ple te ly full.
4. Ins e rt th e ne w dus t bag from ups ide by pus h ing th e
h olde r back w ard again.
5. Be fore clos ing th e lid m ak e s ure th e h olde r is in th e
forw ard position and th e dus t bag cardboard is
ove r th e pipe -s tub.
Acce ssorie s
1 D us t bag
2* Te le s copic tube
3* Exte nsion tube (2)
4 H os e h andle + h ose
5 Carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle
6* Parq ue t nozzle
7* Turbo nozzle
8 Com bination nozzle
36 37

Especificaciones del producto

Marca: Zanussi
Categoría: aspiradora
Modelo: ZAN3626

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